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![[Post New]](/forum/templates/default/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 23/02/2010 14:19:01
Joined: 23/02/2010 14:04:14
Messages: 3
Hello all,
today i downloaded the AD Admin & Reporting Tool.
i tryed the export to excel the following "issue":
i need to list all members which matches the following criterias:
- Must be member of the OU"whatever"
must be member of the SecurityGroup "Test1"
the second thing i tryed with 0 returns was:
Must be member of the OU "whatever"
extensionattribute1 IS "SAP"
i tryed several things in the export assistent with no luck, always returned 0 rows.
what i set:
Excel filename: C:\Users\user1\Desktop\test1.xls
Search Base: DC=mydomain,DC=de
Filter: (&(memberOf=Internet-*)(distinguishedName=OU=Acus,OU=mycity,DC=mydomains,DC=de))
Returning Attributes:cn,distinguishedName,sAMAccountName
but, i never recieve a entry in my list.
could someone attach the correct searchstring for that (to simple import it)
would be fine.
i would like to buy this software but our head wants to see if we are able to get the results from it.
![[Post New]](/forum/templates/default/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 25/02/2010 19:22:48
Joined: 27/06/2008 19:01:18
Messages: 123
You can't use wildcard characters with memberof as it contains the DN values (DN is path and wildcard characters don't work with it).
Please modify the query to something like the following:
If you don't know the complete DN, use the tool bar search -> select cn and enter internet* -> Click Find button.
Select the entry and from right click context menu select 'copy DN'.
![[Post New]](/forum/templates/default/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 26/02/2010 07:03:25
Joined: 23/02/2010 14:04:14
Messages: 3
Helllo again,
the problem is that i want to which users are in the OU=EDP,OU=Bremen,DC=whatever,DC=de
which member are in the SecurityGroup
but still no results.
if i build it with powershell like this:
Get-QADUser -SearchRoot "OU=ITG,OU=Bremen,OU=whatever,DC=melchers,DC=de" | ?{ $_.MemberOf -Match "Internet-Standard" } | Export-CSV "whatever.csv"
which gives me a very good list (see attachment).
To seperate the OU i simple modify the search root to the OU, which i want to see.
but i am not able to get it running with AD Admin & Reporting Tool. This is a common query.
Please help me to construct it.
Filename |
whatever.csv |
Description |
sampleexport |
Filesize |
1 Kbytes
Downloaded: |
455 time(s) |
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 26/02/2010 07:05:56
![[Post New]](/forum/templates/default/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 02/03/2010 19:24:53
Joined: 27/06/2008 19:01:18
Messages: 123
If I understand it correctly you are looking for all users in OU=EDP,OU=Bremen,DC=whatever,DC=de
which are member of CN=Internet-Standard,OU=Sicherheitsgruppen,DC=whatever,DC=de
If it the case try the following sql statement (Click on the sql button at the tool bar, copy and paste and click run).
SELECT * FROM OU=EDP,OU=Bremen,DC=whatever,DC=de where memberOf=CN=Internet-Standard,OU=Sicherheitsgruppen,DC=whatever,DC=de and objectClass=user
If above works, replace the * with attribute for e.g cn, sn and click run or export.
SELECT cn,sn FROM OU=EDP,OU=Bremen,DC=whatever,DC=de where memberOf=CN=Internet-Standard,OU=Sicherheitsgruppen,DC=whatever,DC=de and objectClass=user
![[Post New]](/forum/templates/default/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 03/03/2010 06:47:51
Joined: 23/02/2010 14:04:14
Messages: 3
Hello Support,
thanks for your reply. I 've query'd the AD with the postet query, and got (1) result.
But: the query should show me the users, which are member of ou EDP AND belongs to securtiy-group internet-standard.
dn admincount logoncount subschemasubentry modifytimestamp samaccounttype samaccountname memberof objectcategory whencreated lastlogon primarygroupid pwdlastset badpasswordtime objectsid
CN=Internet Test,OU=EDP,OU=Bremen,DC=whatever,DC=de 1 1 CN=Aggregate,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=melchers,DC=de Mo Mrz 01 2010 14:47:05 GMT+0100 805306368 Intertest CN=Internet-Standard,OU=Sicherheitsgruppen,DC=whatever,DC=de CN=Person,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=whatever,DC=de Di Sep 05 2006 10:45:48 GMT+0200 Di Feb 02 2010 09:05:47 GMT+0100 513 Mo Mrz 01 2010 14:46:56 GMT+0100 Di Feb 02 2010 09:05:07 GMT+0100 S-1-5-21-357852372-414345372-1916815836-8344
i am not sure why it is so hard to query users withhin an ou AND an securitygroup.
![[Post New]](/forum/templates/default/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 03/03/2010 15:06:24
Joined: 27/06/2008 19:01:18
Messages: 123
Above query should give you all the users which are member of group CN=Internet-Standard,OU=Sicherheitsgruppen,DC=whatever,DC=de
Try the following query without objectClass=user:
SELECT * FROM OU=EDP,OU=Bremen,DC=whatever,DC=de where memberOf=CN=Internet-Standard,OU=Sicherheitsgruppen,DC=whatever,DC=de
and also search for mail = (Top Search) and look for memberof attribute and make sure that this user is a member of CN=Internet-Standard,OU=Sicherheitsgruppen,DC=whatever,DC=de
It is very easy to search for user who are memberof a group just need the correct syntax.