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![[Post New]](/forum/templates/default/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 05/08/2008 16:47:02
Joined: 05/08/2008 16:21:26
Messages: 4
I am trying to update the userPassword attribute for decendendant objects. I used the following sql:
UPDATE ou=People, SET userPassword = {SHA}yfmXWU8UG+QskqZgFjRr1BJiuTE= subtreescope
It did find all the entries, processed them, and said successfully updated. However, when I go back to verify the userPassword attribute, it is not the value that I set. I aslo know that it did update the value becuse the old value is not the same. So it has updated the value, but I don't know to what.
Also, when browsing the table view, I see that the value has been updated not to the exact value I specified, but rather to another value using SSHA.
I also tried the same update without specifying any encrytion as follows but I got the same results as above.
UPDATE ou=People, SET userPassword = testpw01 subtreescope
![[Post New]](/forum/templates/default/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 05/08/2008 17:07:12
Joined: 27/06/2008 19:01:18
Messages: 123
Are u verifying the password using password editor? userpassword attribute --> type the password in the verify box and click verify
I tried the following on our test ldap and was able to verify both of them.
UPDATE ou=MemberGroupA,o=stooges SET userPassword='newpassword'
UPDATE ou=MemberGroupA,o=stooges SET userPassword='{SHA}VJlSQ5MNOHSTwmtJhSY3ooXON80='
![[Post New]](/forum/templates/default/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 05/08/2008 17:50:15
I found the problem. I had to get the syntax EXACTLY right with regard to spaces:
1. Only 1 space after UPDATE/SET.
2. No space before or after =
I tweaked the query, ran it, and it did the update as expected.
![[Post New]](/forum/templates/default/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 05/08/2008 17:51:16
Joined: 05/08/2008 16:21:26
Messages: 4
I found the problem. I had to get the syntax EXACTLY right with regard to spaces:
1. Only 1 space after UPDATE/SET.
2. No space before or after =
I tweaked the query, ran it, and it did the update as expected.